Business Coaching

Community Organizations /
‘Not For Profit’ Sector

» For Individuals and Organizations operating in an environment committed to providing a core ‘values’ based community service, while combining the need to run a relevant and viable ‘business’ enterprise.

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Community organizations in the ‘not for profit’ sector face a special set of challenges in fulfilling their special ‘community’ role with integrity and effectiveness, on the one hand, while also running a viable and sustainable business, on the other.

These often opposing forces present inherent conflicts in terms of considerations around delivery of the community service ‘reason for being’, the ability to fund further programs, the balance sheet and business viability, management and operating philosophies, stakeholder viewpoints, and basic organizational survival.

Coaching focuses on:
» Business and activities review / restructuring
Service and Product review and analysis
Balance between community service role and business viability/income requirements
Business Planning
» Goal Setting


Supporting ‘star’ performers in your management team reach their full potential


Learning how to more effectively ‘Coach’ your employees and team/s to greater levels of performance and satisfaction - ‘inspiring’ them to motivate themselves
Dealing with Organisation Transition and Change during periods of Growth and/or Downsizing
» Better time management / regaining and leveraging time
» Managing stress more positively
Finding greater balance between your Career demands and your Lifestyle desires
» Self replenishment for more energy, focus and calm

Model for ongoing Self Coaching

Complimentary Exploratory Coaching Session

An initial exploratory telephone coaching session (valued at $250.oo) is offered for larger businesses, corporates & organisations for FREE.

Book your complimentary session NOW!
As a Bonus - you will also receive a subscription to our regular e-newsletter.

"Drew out from us our best and lifted
our horizons above mediocrity" ...

‘Above all, we have valued Kathy's ethical and sensitive spirit that has drawn out from us our best and lifted our horizons above mediocrity …

Kathy offered a rigorous business analysis yet held the place of community and relationships as a high value.…

We are entering the next phase of our work far more aware of our need to understand our audience and clients, and a clearer vision of our place. New programs have been created, sequenced and linked with existing programs more effectively.  

This is directly attributable to Kathy's ability to identify and evoke from us our latent capacities to do this work.’

Paul Sanders, Director, Augustine Centre - Educational and Community Organisation

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business coaching