Business Coaching

Career Advancement

» For Professionals exploring their Career options and direction and path to greater success.

Your career is important to you, so being in the "right" career is essential to achieving job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

Whether you are looking for the right career, or you are in your chosen career and wanting to accelerate your progress and success, or you may be at a critical cross-roads decision point, coaching support can assist you gain clarity, insight and direction.

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'Your Success'


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Coaching focuses on:
» Identifying your values - alignment with your Career
Exploring career path options
Develop strategies for entering that career
Exploring your ‘passion’ or Life Path and Purpose
» Unleashing your true ‘inner’ potential
» Thinking ‘bigger picture’ than you may on your own
» Preparing for the next interview/promotion
» Model for ongoing Self Coaching

Complimentary Exploratory Coaching Session

An initial exploratory telephone coaching session (valued at $250.oo) is offered for individuals and professionals for FREE.

Book your complimentary session NOW!
As a Bonus - you will also receive a subscription to my regular
'Your Success' e-Newsletter.

'So much clearer ... so much more confidence' ...

"I was so much clearer on how to best present myself and gained so much confidence from the coaching support provided by my Coach, Kathy. She helped me focus on and identify and package my strengths and skills, and anticipate and prepare for a range of possible situations in the interview setting.

I sought coaching support to prepare for this career move, and I can see that I will continue to clearly benefit from it as I develop my career. Coaching has given me the much needed objective and constructive guidance that I have been able to work with productively that I was not able to do in the same way with my mentors."

Jennifer Webster
Executive/Corporate Consultant
Office Interior Design

'Very helpful and definitely insightful' ...

‘The Career Coaching Service that Kathy has provided me as far as finding my niche in the workforce has been very helpful and definitely insightful. The tools that Kathy used were able to, very quickly, hone down the myriad of options that were whirring around in my head to something that I could more firmly fix my sights on. Thank you Kathy.’

Karl Beck
Customer Service/Brokerage

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'Your Success'


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business coaching