Law of Attraction -
Basic Principles

For more information about the Basic Principles and step-by-step practical guide to using the Law of Attraction in your life, you are most welcome to download my FREE e-Book -

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 Law of Attraction 
 - Introduction

 Law of Attraction  - What is it?

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Here are the Basic Principles for the
‘Inside-Out’ Approach to Creating Your Realitycombining
Success Mindset principles and Universal Law of Attraction principles –
to help you Change Your Vibrational Frequency.

There are 8 Basic Principles -

1.  What you Focus on is What You Get

2.  The Power of Thoughts
3.  The Power of Beliefs
4.  The Power of Emotions
5.  Clearing Limiting Beliefs
6.  Setting Clear Intentions
7.  Taking Inspired Action
8.  Allowing and Letting Go

The first 3 Steps are featured on this page -
1.  What You 'Focus' on is What You Get ...

What you focus on, and spend most of your time and attention on, actually expands, and is what will predominantly show up in your Life.  If you focus and spend most of your thinking time on what’s wrong, or what’s making you unhappy or stressed, or what you want to avoid – you’ll get more of that. 

For example, if you spend a lot of your time worrying about the lack of money, how you’re going to pay your bills or taxes, or resenting paying those things, you will attract more of that same experience.  This is a Universal Law – the Law of Attraction.

Granted, when you’re experiencing difficulties, it’s not easy to shift your focus genuinely on to more positive things, but that is exactly what you need to do.  This is about re-programming yourself & installing new ways of thinking, behaving and ‘being’.

Try thinking about how great it would feel paying your bills on time with ease, with plenty all round.  Project forward to the image of what it would be like to actually have what you want - already as if you were in the future event (don’t get stuck in the current event that worries you) - project yourself past the current event and into the future and with all the resources you need ... 

And then take the next most important step and 'experience' and 'feel' it AS IF it was here right NOW, in the HERE and NOW, at this very moment of time.  Use your imagination and ‘feel’, with all your senses, what it would 'feel' like if it was/is here right NOW …

By doing this, if you do this correctly and with integrity, you will set in motion things, events, circumstances around you to start bringing to you, to get you the resources you need ...
Or, if that’s a bit too difficult to start with, when negative thoughts enter, try shifting your attention immediately to something else that really makes you feel happy, uplifts you, and enriches you.  Great music you love ... an uplifting film that warms your heart ... great loving friends that make you laugh ... a book you adore ... Or perhaps an area of your Life that is working really well for you - and take note of that.  Take what you've done right in that area, and the good feelings, and transfer it over to the area you need to change and improve.

 The Power of 'Thoughts'

Every thought you have has an energetic vibrational frequency.  This is not ‘whimsy’ or ‘woo-woo’ - it is Fact!  It is the Universal Law of Attraction in Action which is based in scientific explanation and operates with mathematical exactitude, each and every time. 

The ‘Inside-Out’ Approach to Creating Your Reality - is in increasing your conscious awareness and mastery of your thought processes, which will in turn change your vibrational frequency and the energy that you emit or project.  Like Energy Attracts Like Energy – you attract like energy and experiences that match what you're projecting out to the world around you.

3.  The Power of

Every one of your behaviors can be tracked to a belief.  Your current reality is the result of your thought process (and associated feelings and emotions) that you have engaged in over past months and years …

If you want to experience something different this time next year, or sooner, you need to change your beliefs and thought processes now …